
Deirdre Baggot

Partner, Health & Life Sciences, Oliver Wyman

Dr. Baggot is one of the nation’s most respected voices on healthcare payment reform. She pioneered development of bundled payments as the leader of the CMS Acute Care Episode (ACE) bundled payment demonstration at Exempla Healthcare in Denver. Drawing upon this work and her experience as a clinician and hospital executive, she has designed and implemented new payment models with employers, commercial payers, and Medicaid and Medicare in over 200 hospitals. These care model transformation initiatives have led to reduced costs, improved quality, and better patient experiences.

In addition to being a trusted advisor to health system boards and senior leadership, she has served as an expert reviewer to CMS for the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative and an advisor to the New York Medicaid bundled payment pilots. Deirdre is a noted author and frequently presents to national audiences on healthcare payment reform. She is a faculty member of The Governance Institute and serves on the board of advisors of SIGHT Medical.
