


Reporting Security Incidents

If you are a current supplier and need to report a security incident, please contact your primary °µÍø½ûÇø account contact by phone. In the event you are unable to reach such contact promptly, send an email toÌýincidentreporting@mmc.com.

Please include: (a) a description of the incident, including its impact; (b) the expected resolution time (if it has not already been resolved); (c) corrective measures to be taken, evaluation of alternatives and next steps; and (d) the name and phone number of the supplier representative for us to contact to obtain further information and updates.

Ethics Hotline

°µÍø½ûÇø’s Suppliers are held to the same standards as our colleagues, as outlined inÌý.Ìý If you are a current supplier and have an ethical issue you would like to report, you may useÌý.

The Ethics & Compliance Line is a comprehensive and confidential reporting tool supplied by specialist provider NAVEX Global to assist in addressing allegations of fraud, abuse, and other misconduct in the workplace, all whileÌýcultivating a positive work environment. The Ethics & Compliance Line is an important part of our culture, and assists us in creating a safe, secure, and ethical workplace. You are encouraged to seek guidance on ethical dilemmas,Ìýprovide positive suggestions, or communicate a concern. Effective communication is critical in today’s workplace and this is a great tool to enhance that communication.

Supplier Onboarding

Understanding MMC policy

Supplier activation or modifications requires collaboration between the MMC Business Owner, Global Supplier Maintenance Team, and Supplier.

MMC Global Policy mandates

  • Verification of supplier information is viewed and managed by the MMC Supplier Maintenance Team only.
  • MMC Business requestor is not allowed to submit or forward information on behalf of the supplier. If the supplier does not provide the information through our supplier management portal directly to the supplier management team, the supplier record will not be activated in our ERP system.
  • NO PO, NO PAY - Supplier must obtain a valid Purchase Order number (PO#) from MMC before delivering any goods and services. It is crucial that Purchase Order Number is clearly indicated on each invoice. Invoices lacking a PO number or issued prior to the sending of the purchase order will be rejected and further delay in payment.
  • Invoices must be submitted directly by the Supplier per the Billing Instructions on the Purchase Order.

Supplier's Responsibilities

  • Supplier manages their record (Modification) on the MMC Supplier management portal (Apexanalytix)
  • Supplier to respond requested information in a timely manner through the MMC Supplier Management portal.
  • Submit all documents in a PDF format or other formats requested.
  • If the supplier does not provide the required information after 3 requests, the MMC Supplier Maintenance team will close the ticket, and Supplier will not be activated in MMC purchasing & payment system.

Supplier Activation Process

Once the MMC Supplier Maintenance Team receives all the required information from the Supplier the expected turnaround time for activation is within 6 business days.


Payment related information

  • MMC Standard Payment Terms: In the absence of a signed contract between MMC and the Supplier, MMC Standard Payment terms are 45 days from the receipt date. Payment Terms are noted on the Purchase Order Document issued to the Supplier.
  • MMC's preferred method of payment is EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). Other forms of payment increase risk.
  • Suppliers can contact the MMC Accounts Payable team to inquire about invoice payment status. The email address to contact is also located on MMC's Supplier page of our MMC public website.Ìý
Purchasing & Payments

°µÍø½ûÇø Suppliers, please watch this short three-minute video for important tips on how to transact with °µÍø½ûÇø in the most efficient manner to ensure on-time payment. Thank you!

Invoicing °µÍø½ûÇø

You are required to have a Purchase Order (PO)Ìýin your possession before providing any goods or services to any °µÍø½ûÇø business. Once you have the PO, you have authority to supply, and you must invoice us as follows. Failure to follow this process will significantly delay your payment:

  • Remember to send one pdf invoice per email. Multiple invoices per email complicate processing and will result in lost invoices.
  • Where available, please use the Tungsten portal to upload invoices.Ìý
  • Refer to the Marsh & McLennan Companies' supplier information pages atÌýÌýfor more information.
Electronic Invoicing

°µÍø½ûÇø has partnered with Tungsten Network to provide a simpler way for suppliers to submit invoices. By joining the Tungsten Network, you will have the ability to track invoice payment status and improve cash flow. This initiative is key to our strategy and we are confident you will see significant benefits to your business.

  • Fast, guaranteed invoice delivery. Invoices are received electronically and securely against any valid °µÍø½ûÇø purchase order listed in the Tungsten portal
  • Early invoice data validation. Tungsten Network validates supplier invoice data at time of entry, streamlining approval
  • Greater visibility of invoice status.Ìý ÌýSuppliers no longer need to chase people and invoices, but can instead view status at any stage
  • On-time payments.Ìý Improves supplier cash-flow
  • Tungsten HelpDesk and Support. Suppliers have access to the Tungsten HelpDesk for invoicing support and assistance

Enroll in electronic invoicing with Marsh & McLennan partner Tungsten:ÌýÌýÌý *Not available in all geographies.

Accounts Payable Contacts

For purchase order and invoice status with all °µÍø½ûÇø businesses, the fastest and easiest way to check status is to use our Electronic Invoicing partner Tungsten referenced above.Ìý In the absence of electronic invoicing, suppliers may inquire by email:ÌýGSP.supplierHelpdesk@mmc.com

This applies to all businesses including: Ìý°µÍø½ûÇø, Marsh, Mercer, Guy Carpenter, Oliver Wyman, Nera, VOSCO, ENCON, and Stars.

Exception: Suppliers inquiries for °µÍø½ûÇø countries located in Latin America / South America, please refer to your Purchase Order for a °µÍø½ûÇø business contact.

Terms & Conditions

Where a master agreement is in effect between the supplier and °µÍø½ûÇø, or the °µÍø½ûÇø affiliate that is the Customer, the terms of that agreement will govern all purchase orders. In the absence of any such agreement, purchase orders will be governed byÌý°µÍø½ûÇø standard terms and conditions, except that purchase orders for the performance of Services or delivery of Goods in each of the countries listed below will be governed by the version of °µÍø½ûÇø standard terms and conditions translated into the local language for each country respectively (click on applicable country name for translation):