
HR’s Increasingly Important Role in Cyber Risk Management

By: Brian Warszona

The human resources (HR) function has become integral to organizational cyber risk management in recent years.

Along with information security/information technology (InfoSec/IT), HR is increasingly called upon to help determine and enforce employee data permissions, train and enforce cybersecurity policies and procedures, and help respond to cyber events involving employees.

HR’s increased involvement is due to a convergence of factors, including: a more active regulatory environment, the pervasive use of technology and devices in employees’ work, and recognition of the importance of a strong organizational cybersecurity culture.

Employees’ data and security practices are critical determinants of an organization’s overall cybersecurity. Almost two thirds (62%) of executives say the is employees’ failure to comply with data security rules, not hackers or vendors, according to Mercer’s 2020 Global Talent Trends Study.

Yet , as found in Marsh and Microsoft’s 2019 Global Cyber Risk Perception Survey. The great majority (88%) of companies continue to delegate cyber risk first and foremost to InfoSec/IT, followed by the C-suite, risk management, legal, and finance.

This needs to change. A strong partnership between InfoSec/ IT and HR is essential for managing data and technology risk, particularly in a remote-working environment. Below we explore four key areas where the evolving regulatory and cyber risk landscapes are changing HR’s role.

Regulatory Compliance

Many regions around the globe and US states are implementing privacy regulations that set strict guidelines for how organizations collect and use consumer data. These include the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act, Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act, and the NYSDFS Part 500, among numerous others.

Many of these regulations carry heavy fines, penalties, and the potential for lawsuits, not just for data breaches, but also for improper handling of consumer data. Business leaders recognize the growing risk — in our 2019 Global Cyber Risk Perception Survey.

Responsibility for navigating privacy regulatory compliance is increasingly shifting toward HR in conjunction with InfoSec/IT.

HR has traditionally led training on safeguarding sensitive data and the secure use of devices and technologies as part of the onboarding process. Now HR is also often tasked with conducting privacy regulation training, in conjunction with IT, for employees and for third-party vendors engaging with the organization’s data.

Determining internal accountability for errors and misdeeds usually falls under the remit of IT, compliance/legal, and third-party investigators. But given its role in managing employee compliance with organizational policies, HR logically is best positioned to provide guidance on the appropriate punitive or remedial actions for data handling misconduct or errors, as defined by the company’s policies.

For this reason, IT, HR, and the C-suite need to be aligned in creating and implementing a robust data incident response plan, particularly for handling events involving employees. This can be aided by agreeing how their respective roles overlap in setting and enforcing data practices and policies, and how the organization will respond to any regulatory data violation.

Employee Data Controls and Access

Determining appropriate standards for access and controls around sensitive data is a key part of a sound cyber risk management strategy. Here again HR is well-positioned to help determine which employee and corporate data is most critical, who in the organization needs access to it, and how to control this access. Often this is defined when an employee is hired and on-boarded.

The end of an employee’s tenure at a company is also a pivotal moment when HR can play a vital role in supporting sound cybersecurity practices, with advice from the IT team. Several malicious insider cases have occurred after employment was terminated, regardless of whether by mutual decision or not. HR and IT need to be in sync around the termination process (and mutually agreed departures) so that data access rights are halted as soon as appropriate, usually upon or no more than 24 hours post departure.

Data Disclosures

HR also has an important role to play in helping to manage data disclosures and breaches. Whether accidental or malicious, such events can result in significant financial damage, legal action, reputational harm, and loss of consumer trust.

Information disclosures may extend to employees exchanging sensitive information within the office, or remotely around a “virtual water cooler”, such as social media.

In the event of accidental disclosure or a former employee requesting the deletion of their information, best practices call for the incident response plan to define which department would field the breach or deletion notification, which would respond, and what the appropriate response would be. HR is often first to receive such a request from a former employee and their communication and direction with other functions is key to handling it appropriately.

Within most cyber incident response plans, assessing accountability for disclosure events is usually the primary remit of IT, in conjunction with third-party investigators. Again, however, given its role in helping establish and enforce compliance with company policies overall, HR is well placed to provide guidance on appropriate remedial or punitive actions.

Whether the disclosure or breach is accidental or malicious, HR policies governing the treatment of sensitive data and employees’ social media activities — where those “virtual water cooler” discussions take place — are critical.

Cybersecurity Culture

HR is usually the first (and last) point of contact for employees, and therefore plays an important role in creating and maintaining a robust cybersecurity culture.

Although IT traditionally created cybersecurity training sessions, HR’s involvement has increased as the importance of such training for employees has become better understood. Information provided to new employees about how to practice good cybersecurity hygiene in their daily tasks, can greatly affect their confidence if or when confronted by a scenario requiring them to mitigate a cyber risk.

Training should include guidance for recognizing and handling common scenarios, such as phishing and password security. It should also include how to handle the organization’s digital transformation and implementation of new technology, as well as best practices for bring-your-own-device, remote access, business continuity, incident response and recovery, and use of devices.

The COVID-19 environment makes training and policy compliance even more critical, given that work-from-home cybersecurity protocols and practices may not be as robust as normal office conditions.

A strong cybersecurity culture must also include consequences for non-compliant behavior. HR and IT need to collaborate to communicate the ramifications for not following best practice safety procedures, or not completing training — for which more employees are being penalized in their performance reviews and even compensation.

A robust cybersecurity culture starts from the top of the organization and involves continuous communication and training for leaders across all key functions. Table-top exercises — simulated cyber events that test a company’s response — are highly useful for aligning the actions and priorities of IT, PR, risk management, C-suite, board members, and legal/compliance.

True enterprise cyber risk management programs include HR in these response testing exercises. Besides HR’s important role in cyber risk management planning, its inclusion in event response planning can help align the contemplated treatment of employees with applicable employment regulations and laws and help mitigate the risk of potential litigation.