

Preparing for a Wetter World: Strategies for Corporate Flood Resilience

Business exposure to flood risk is growing, and it is critical for firms to uncover hidden vulnerabilities propagating through their value chain.

Business exposure to flood risk is rising as a consequence of climate change, the growing concentration of infrastructure and business activities in flood-prone areas, and the increasing complexity of global supply chains. Flood risk is becoming more difficult to anticipate and manage, and firms are often unprepared to deal with its consequences.



It is critical that businesses reimagine their approach to flood risk. Preparing for a wetter world: Strategies for corporate flood resilience explores the implications of flooding for firms and presents five principles that can be integrated in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) practices to build resilience.


Preparing for a wetter world is part of Rethinking Flood, a series of publications examining the implications of flooding for businesses, governments, and society.

Preparing for a wetter world: Strategies for corporate flood resilience